About Us

  • Lifalog is on a mission to destigmatize how society treats grief.

    As a society we are trained to tuck away grief and “get over it” or “move on” when we lose loved ones. Grief avoidance hurts those that are actively mourning and those that have never experienced it. People carrying grief are all around us but they feel they have to downplay or hide it to keep other people from feeling discomfort.

  • Our vision is a world that grants the time and space necessary to grieve without shame, and we recognize it takes practice to talk about death.

    Lifalog is committed to providing tools to facilitate conversations that grievers avoid so they don’t feel like a burden to their loved ones—and loved ones avoid initiating because they don’t want to trigger the griever.

About Lifalog

  • My name is Melanie Bowles and I founded Lifalog to provide tools to guide reflection and dialogue in support of the grieving and their loved ones.

    Lifalog began with my own story. I lost both of my parents about a year apart from one another. First my Dad passed away and then a short year after, I lost my Mom. Losing my parents was one of the hardest challenges in my life. The heartache was overwhelming. Without them I felt lost and uncertain.

  • Like many people who experience a loss, I was expected to go on with life as if the hurt I was experiencing didn’t exist. I still had to show up as an employee, parent and partner and do my best to take care of myself. I decided for the first time in my life to try counseling and with only one question from the therapist, I broke down. I cried and shared my truth. I didn’t realize how much I was holding inside. I had conceded to the societal idea that I "just needed to be strong". People either avoided me or asked general questions like "how are you?". People just genuinely didn't know what to say to start a conversation that went beyond the surface.